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Landlord is accused of damaging tenant’s car

April 12th, 2024 11:15 AM

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THE case against a landlord who is accused of damaging a tenant’s car has been adjourned to the May 28th sitting of Skibbereen District Court.

At a previous sitting, solicitor Vincent Toher appeared on behalf of the accused Colin O’Sullivan (46) of Carrigillihy, Union Hall.

At that court, the court presenter Sgt Tom Mulcahy informed Judge James McNulty that the accused is being prosecuted for an offence alleged to have been committed sometime between October 5th and December 28th, 2022.

He said it is alleged that the accused damaged a Chrysler Voyager motor car, the property of Gabriela Lake, who is no longer Colin O’Sullivan’s tenant.

Gda Carol Ward gave evidence that the charge was put to the accused, Colin O’Sullivan, and he made no reply after caution. Mr Toher asked the gardaí to provide his firm – which is located at No 2 Washington Street in Cork – with a copy of the statements.

And when the case was called at the recent sitting, John Devlin (BL), the accused’s barrister, said it was ‘by consent’ that the case could be adjourned to the May 28th court sitting for hearing.

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