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In a West Cork minute with Newcestowns Cian Twomey

October 24th, 2015 9:00 AM

By Southern Star Team

In a West Cork minute with Newcestowns Cian Twomey Image
Cian Twomey

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He played his role in Newcestown’s famous Cork PIHC final win, but dual ace Cian Twomey (24) will have his teammates scratching their heads after he reveals he took one of their sisters on a date once ... 

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 on how funny you are? How about you decide? I saw a kidnapping today, but I decided not to wake him up.

Highlight of your sporting career? That’s an easy answer – winning the 2015 county premier intermediate hurling championship as a ‘wing forward’.

Most dialled number on your phone? Padraigins Takeaway in Bandon, for obvious reasons. (I can’t tell the truth on that one, there are too many of the lads on our panel whose sisters ...).


What’s your karaoke song? I do a good version of My Lovely Rose of Clare after a few pints.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself? I once went on a date with one of the lad’s sisters and he still doesn’t know. Also, I’ve been called the songbird of my generation by people who’ve heard me. I’m that good.

Best-ever holiday? Kavos in summer 2014. What happens in Kavos stays in Kavos!

If you won the lotto what would you buy first? A watch for Plum (Conor O’Neill) because he’s always late for training, and a calendar for him as well, because he doesn’t know what day it is half the time.

Separated at birth, who’s your celebrity twin double? Usain Bolt. We’ve similar speed and we’re both quick off the mark.

What’s your favourite word? A one for the lads ‘when in Rome’, or when I’m at home it’s usually ‘Maaaamm’ or ‘Daaaadd’.

If you could change any part of you what would it be? I’d give myself a ‘scoring touch’ for the hurling.

Your most treasured item of clothing? My Bart Simpson jocks.  They’re my lucky ones.

Favourite cartoon?  It has to be The Lion King. I still haven’t got over the death of Mufasa.

If I was an animal then I would be ... a cow because I milk everything.

What question would you liked to have been asked in this interview? How does it feel to be dual senior? Hungover.

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