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In a West Cork Minute with John ‘Bobs' Daly from Ballineen

June 20th, 2016 8:00 AM

By Southern Star Team

In a West Cork Minute with John ‘Bobs' Daly from Ballineen Image
Junior A football championship

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Fresh from helping Riverside Athletic win a first-ever WCL Premier Division title, John ‘Bobs’ Daly from Ballineen, who turned 23 on Saturday, talks Prague, polar bears, John F Kennedy and an unrepaired church roof...

Fresh from helping Riverside Athletic win a first-ever WCL Premier Division title, John ‘Bobs’ Daly from Ballineen, who turned 23 on Saturday, talks Prague, polar bears, John F Kennedy and an unrepaired church roof...


How would your best friend describe you? Kind, honest, humorous, maybe a little bit stubborn.


Who was your sporting hero when you were 10 years old? I’m not the biggest rugby fan, but when I was 10 years old Jonny Wilkinson was my sporting hero. His performance against Australia in the 2003 World Cup final was admirable.


Tell us a funny story from your childhood: It wasn’t funny at the time, but I was performing my church collection duties at mass one leafy Sunday morning many Octobers ago when I dropped the collection basket full of money in front of the parish priest and his altar. Coins rolled every which way as parishioners looked on, scarcely believing the sight before them. I must have picked up about €3 before I scurried away in mortification. Coincidentally, the church roof wasn’t repaired that year…


Where would you recommend for a weekend away? I went on somewhat of a cultural retreat to Prague last year with the fellas. Pints were for tuppence and we had a ball. Beautiful place though; a real storied city.


If you were on an island and could only bring three things, what would you bring? A Swiss Army knife, a box of matches and a football of some sort to keep me sane.


If you could go back in time, where would you go and why? I would definitely go back to November 22nd, 1963 to Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, United States to witness the assassination of President John F Kennedy. Over 50 years on and the infamous event is still shrouded in mystery. Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone? Was there a second gunman on the grassy knoll? I’d love to know!


What song best describes you? The EastEnders’ closing theme tune because my life is only full of drama.


What is your least favourite word? Literally – mainly because the rampant misuse of this word really upsets me. For instance, people often say, ‘my hands are literally tied’ – when in actual fact their hands are most probably figuratively tied. Sky Sports soccer pundit, Jamie Redknapp is a major proponent of its misuse. 


What’s your favourite knock-knock joke? I’d be lying if I said I have one. I have one joke I’d like to share though – what do you call a polar bear wearing ear muffs? Answer – Anything you want, he can’t hear you.


What’s the world’s greatest invention? The Twitter machine – It allows me the opportunity to rant and rave about the most trivial topics. It’s great.


A penguin walks into the room wearing a sombrero, why is he wearing it and what does he say? His name is Peter the Penguin and he’s donning the sombrero as he’s just arrived home from a three-week trip to Central America with his buddies, Paul the Polar Bear (same lad wearing the ear muffs) and Sally the Seal. On arrival home he says to Paul the Polar Bear, ‘the heat was cruel, wasn’t it, Paul?’ Paul doesn’t reply; the aforementioned ear muffs impeding his hearing.


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