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In a West Cork Minute - Denis Griffin

July 17th, 2017 9:00 AM

By Southern Star Team

In a West Cork Minute - Denis Griffin Image
Courtmacsherry Rowing Club's Denis Griffin.

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Courtmacsherry Rowing Club's Denis Griffin (42), from Bandon, reveals that his rivalry with clubmate Daniel Whelton has kept him young and chased away any grey hairs!

Courtmacsherry Rowing Club's Denis Griffin (42), from Bandon, reveals that his rivalry with clubmate Daniel Whelton has kept him young and chased away any grey hairs!

What's the one thing you can't live without?  Walking my dogs on the beach in the evening – it's my therapy after a busy day.


What would I find in your fridge right now?  Chicken, there's always loads of chicken.


Name one element your sport could/should take from another? Sports psychology, because when you get to the last 100 metres on a championship day you need more than strength to get you over that line. 

What do you think about when you're alone in your car? Work, work, rowing, work, work.

Who has been the biggest influence on your sporting career, and why? Daniel Whelton from Courtmacsherry RC. The rivalry between us keeps us fit and the grey hairs away. It took me 20 years to finally beat him once on the rowing machine with my short stumpy legs! And every time I try to retire he tells me ‘you'll turn into a small fat old man if you do'. But we're good friends really!

Pick two celebrities to be your parents: Just Agnes Brown (Mrs Brown's Boys) because she could be my mother and my father and there would never be a dull moment in the house – she's some woman for one man!

What do you think cats dream of?  What kind of question is that to ask a grown man??


If you could play any other sport for one day what would it be?  I'd be a Formula One driver and compete in the Monaco Grand Prix; it might go better for me than the rowing did there!


If you joined a circus, what would you perform? I'd be a juggler, I'm already an expert from trying to juggle work/rowing/personal life for years.


If you could get rid of one county in Ireland what would it be and why? Donegal, because the All-Ireland rowing championships couldn't be much further away from West Cork and it's an awful long drive!

What would you do if you found a penguin in your freezer? ? Probably eat it and ask questions later!

Before we let you go teach us something that we don't know: Courtmac senior men are going to win the All-Ireland this year.

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