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End of Year Q&A with Connor Ellis

January 3rd, 2018 5:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

End of Year Q&A with Connor Ellis Image
Kealkill hot-shot Connor Ellis helped Cork City to league and cup glory in 2017.

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The Kealkill hot-shot is backing more local sporting talent to dominate the headlines in the new year

Kealkill hot-shot Connor Ellis helped fire Cork City FC to league and cup glory in 2017 and he is backing more local sporting talent to dominate the headlines in the new year


If you could relive one sporting moment from the past year, what would it be and why? 

It would probably have to be the last league game against Bray when we finally got our hands on the Premier Division title in front of a packed stadium after a tough nine months.  


Picture this: Donald Trump has relocated to West Cork – fake tan, quiff and all – and he is interested in the local sports scene, what sport do you think would best suit the American President?  

Horse-riding – and hopefully one day he would ride back off to where he came from…


What will you miss most about 2017? 

Steven Gerrard retiring last year was a big one. He was my idol growing up so it was strange not being able to watch him in 2017.


Who do you think is West Cork’s biggest sports star? 

It has to be Lily de la Cour, a former world champion kickboxer who has achieved everything in her sport and maybe doesn’t get the credit she deserves. Of course, the O’Donovan brothers are a close second but with Lily being from Bantry, I’ll give it to her. 


Outside of your sport, what sporting moment from 2017 captured your imagination?  

Away from soccer, it was the Cork camogie team winning the All-Ireland and local girl Libby Coppinger playing a leading role. 


How do you usually spend New Year’s Eve? 

Usually I would head out with my friends, but this year pre-season starts earlier – January 3rd or 4th – so I will quite happily be at home with the family for New Year’s. 


If you could go for New Year’s Eve drinks with three sports people – local, national or international – who would you pick? 

Tough question. I’d have to say the O’Donovan brothers, they seem like characters, and add in Steven Gerrard. 


What local sports star should we keep an eye on next year?  

Darragh McElhinney, without a doubt. This lad has real talent and there’s a very successful career ahead of the Glengarriff man. 


Those January blues are upon us, what’s your advice to survive the month? 

Pick a project to help you get movitated, such as going to the gym, and stick to it religiously. Once you see the progress you’ll love it. 


Q. Finish the sentence: In 2018 I want to …. 

go from strength to strength and win more trophies.

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