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MyGug turns food waste to gold and creates a positive climate impact

February 14th, 2024 2:22 PM

MyGug turns food waste to gold and creates a positive climate impact Image

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AN AWARD-WINNING Clonakilty company MyGug LTD, has created an Irish-designed, manufactured and produced green technology solution for food waste.

Kieran Coffey designed the system. A blow in to Clonakilty he has lived here with his family for 12 years. As a keen windsurfer and sea swimmer the decision to move to beautiful West Cork was an easy one.

He is a mechanical engineer and environmentalist and was inspired to create a solution for food waste while working in landfills.

The potential energy of all the food waste lost and the ongoing environmental damage caused was the beginning of his design journey to create a sustainable zero-waste solution for food businesses, schools and homes.

Enjoying life in the outdoors and in nature and the worry that future generations wouldn’t was the motivation for Kieran to create a solution.

MyGug is the solution and is changing the reputation of food waste. MyGug turns food waste into a sustainable solution. It is easily converted into free clean renewable energy for use on-site using the magic of the process of anaerobic digestion.

What is anaerobic digestion?


Anaerobic digestion is a natural process where organic waste such as food waste cooked and raw can be converted into free renewable gas energy and liquid fertiliser.

This natural process is used more widely in agricultural or industrial plants that take organic waste from farms, food producers and restaurants and create biomethane that is then converted to electricity and liquid fertiliser that is used as a soil amendment.

MyGug brings anaerobic digestion to smaller settings such as food businesses schools and homes so that they may use food waste generated on-site to create their own energy. Creating a circular economy and getting rid of food waste has never been easier.

Research has shown that the largest proportion of food waste created comes from smaller settings such as small businesses and homes.

It is also true that these settings (schools/food businesses and homes) are most dependent on collection services for food waste management.

MyGug provides a long-term sustainable alternative.

Local cafe and food shop Rebecca’s Kitchen Cafe has used the system for over 4 years. MyGug solved the problems created by food waste for her business and gave free clean energy in return.

The cooking energy required in the cafe is provided by renewable gas from MyGug.


'It has dramatically decreased my cost in gas. I would encourage anyone thinking about doing it to do it,' said Rebecca Scott, café owner.

Schools are also seeing the potential of MyGug as a solution to food waste and also as an educational tool allowing students to create their own circular economy and learn about sustainability when it comes to food use and food waste.

Schools such as Kinsale Community School and Bandon Grammar School are using the system to encourage students to embrace food circularity and learn about the importance of food waste management.

MyGug in Kinsale Community College with principal Fergal MacCarthy


'MyGug provides students with an appreciation of the circular economy. It provides them with an appreciation of three very important societal concerns, namely, waste disposal, energy use, and food production,' said Fergal MacCarthy.

'Young people are overwhelmed by the climate crisis and are looking for practical measures that they can take to make a difference. MyGug provides students with a real application of science that makes a difference. Our MyGug is sited outside of the home economics room.

'All of the food waste is deposited in the unit and the gas produced is piped straight back into the kitchen for cooking purposes. The liquid fertiliser helps to grow our food crops in our green house, which are in turn used in our home economics room. This practical application of waste management, resonates really well with those seeking to make a difference in the protection of the planet.'


Shane Deane, chef in Bandon Grammar School who uses MyGug to dispose of food waste and create energy for cooking in the kitchen.


The practical hands-on learning provided by MyGug is seen in Bandon Grammar School where chef Shane invites students to get involved in growing food in the polytunnel and seeing food circularity in action.

'Growing our own means we don’t have to bring our salad ingredients in from Spain or anywhere like that. It’s all grown right here,' said Shane.

'Students learning about science and sustainability can reap benefits in having MyGug onsite.

'It’s great that the science teachers can bring their classes over to see the MyGug up close so they can learn about anaerobic digestion in action.'

Growing organic nutritious food is so easy with the liquid fertiliser provided by the system


MyGug creator Kieran Coffey is excited about a new model ready for homes which will be available later in the year. He is testing the new model with Bridget Healy from Clonakilty who is embracing food waste to energy in her own kitchen. 'I feel like I am doing a bit for the planet and I love cooking with renewable gas,' said Bridget.

Contact for information or a call back at [email protected] or 087786402

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