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Refugees to be moved on from Darrara college

April 12th, 2024 8:00 AM

By Emma Connolly

Refugees to be moved on from Darrara college Image

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THE temporary accommodation centre for Ukrainian refugees at the Teagasc-run Clonakilty Agricultural College is to close at the end of this month.

Refugees have been staying at the centre since 2022. At one point up to 50 adults were accommodated there, but currently that figure has reduced to around 26.

The closure comes following new legislation which, from this week, sees the government’s offer of State accommodation for arriving Ukrainians limited to 90

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) has confirmed that the arrangement at the agricultural college in Darrara is due to come to an end in late April, ‘by agreement of the property owner and the Department’.

‘All accommodation contracted by the Department is temporary in nature, moves happen frequently when contracts end. Those who are residing at the accommodation have been contacted by the Department to notify them of the change,’ said a spokesperson.

‘Alternative offers of accommodation will be provided to the residents, and every effort will be made to ensure that the alternate accommodation will be in the general area,’ they added.

‘Beneficiaries of temporary protection are also entitled to make their own private arrangements, including potentially availing of pledged accommodation if they wish or private accommodation, and can avail of some supports to do so.’

The decision to close the centre was made in the context of the government’s revised accommodation policy which came into effect on March 14th, under which new beneficiaries of temporary protection (BOTP) arrivals who seek accommodation from the State are offered a maximum of 90 days of State-supported accommodation in designated accommodation centres, the spokesperson said, adding that the Department ‘is currently seeking to consolidate its existing accommodation portfolio for BOTPs across the board.

‘Over the months ahead, the use of centres will  be ended on a case-by-case basis taking into account a range of factors. The Department has expressed its sincere gratitude to Teagasc for the use of the property in Clonakilty,’ said the spokesperson.

A Teagasc spokesperson confirmed that temporary accommodation was provided by Teagasc at Clonakilty Agricultural College and Ballyhaise Agricultural College in Co Cavan for persons fleeing the war in Ukraine in April 2022.

‘Persons residing at the accommodation have been contacted by the DCEDIY to notify them of the change. The Department will provide offers of alternate accommodation to the residents, and they have said that every effort will be made to ensure that the alternate accommodation will be in the general area.’

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