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TECH Technological University, the world's largest online university with more than 10,000 programmes

May 6th, 2022 3:07 PM

TECH Technological University, the world's largest online university with more than 10,000 programmes Image

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A leader in the rankings of digital training opportunities, with an extensive catalog that includes its own undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate and doctorate degrees

TECH Technological University is the largest online university in the world, leading the ranking of educational opportunities with the largest digital educational catalog. It is 100% online and covers the vast majority of subject knowledge areas. The university offers the largest number of programs of its own design, official post-graduate and undergraduate degrees, in total, more than 10,000 degree programmes, making it the world’s largest online university.

In just six years, TECH Technological University has become a benchmark in distance learning, with students from 150 different countries enrolled in courses. There are currently more than 100,000 students taking part in one of the programmes, while the total number of international graduates has already surpassed 500,000.

In a new context in which virtual education has played a fundamental role worldwide, online universities have taken advantage, betting on the digital transformation in the education sector, which is key to the development of societies. This has been the case for TECH, an online higher education institution that has managed to position itself as a forerunner within its sector.

TECH has also been highlighted by Forbes magazine as “the best digital university in the world”, thanks to its “innovative learning method aimed at training the professionals of the future”. This leading publication in the business world points to its international trajectory as a success story and highlights TECH as “the most outstanding university in its sector, through cutting-edge technologies that strengthen online learning”.

Specialising in post-graduate training, TECH Technological University is a leader in terms of employability. This can be seen by the fact that 97% of their students have a job in the first year after completing their studies, according to data from KPMG's Management Consultants.

Online methodology

Its academic offer includes: its own programs with official recognition of validity of studies (RVOE) granted by the Mexican Secretary of Public Education; its own masters degrees and university expert programs in collaboration with the Spanish University CEU Cardenal Herrera; and continuing education programs in collaboration with the Pan-American University of Mexico.

Degrees include: bachelors, masters, doctorates, grand master's, university experts as well as management development programs and language courses. All programmes are 100% online and cover subject areas including: Health Sciences, Design, Engineering, Technology, Law, Business and Economics, Communication and Journalism, Education, Arts and Humanities, etc.

Students can opt for university degrees in highly specialised areas such as Medicine, Veterinary medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Psychology, Pharmaceuticals, Physiotherapy, Engineering, Law, Journalism and Teaching. It also has the largest online language and business schools, offering more than 700 management development programmes.

Re-Learning System

TECH's own methodology is based on the application of cutting-edge technology in education. It is the first online university accredited to use Re-learning as a teaching method managing to improve student satisfaction levels with regards to the indicators of international quality certification agencies.

Utilising this system, learning is no longer a linear process but a new pedagogical approach based on asynchrony and self-management. It has been scientifically tested and facilitates greater speed and efficiency when incorporating new knowledge. As the University is 100% online, this methodology offers quality education which is flexible and adapts to each student, accompanying them in achieving their objectives.

TECH Technological University

TECH Technological University belongs to TECH Educational Group, a Spanish owned multinational company, with an international presence since 2015. It has also been recognised by the Financial Times as one of the 200 fastest growing companies in Europe in 2017 and 2018. It is the Spanish technology company with the highest valuation in the last 15 years, with a capital of 2000 million euros, according to the three largest North American investment banks.

The group recently announced an agreement it has made with the NBA, making TECH its official online university in Latin America. This is a milestone in the digital training sector and sports industry, which requires specialised professionals in a wide range of fields.

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