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LETTER: We don't need another war over oil supplies

September 22nd, 2019 8:05 PM

By Southern Star Team

LETTER: We don't need another war over oil supplies Image
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We need to transition the world to sustainable energy, including a region of the world facing a future of unbearable heat.

SIR – It would be illegal, immoral, certainly counter-productive, and likely catastrophic to attack Iran – completely regardless of any Iranian role in a Yemeni drone attack. The question is not whether Iran played any role, but whether sane nations can prevent Trump from starting another war.
The United States began the war on Yemen with the use of drones. Drone wars were supposed to be cheap and easy. They predictably turned into wider wars, and the cheapness and easiness predictably made drones an effective weapon against the US and its allies.

Yemen has attacked Saudi oil facilities with weapons that cost less than a single US student's college debt. The war on Yemen has not been dramatically escalated because oil has beenattacked. It was dramatically escalated when human beings were attacked, when Saudi Arabia and the United States bombed hospitals and prisons and
school buses and homes, and blockaded a nation facing mass-starvation and disease epidemics.
The world does not need another war over oil supplies. We need to transition the world to sustainable energy, including a region of the world facing a future of unbearable heat.
What the United States did to Iraq must not be done to Iran!
Yours sincerely,  

Daniel Teegan,

Union Hall.

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