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Ava will finally get her cannabis treatment at home

December 4th, 2017 10:05 PM

By Southern Star Team

Ava will finally get her cannabis treatment at home Image
Ava and Vera Twomey will be home for Christmas.

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Eight-year-old Ava Barry will definitely be home in Aghabullogue for Christmas after it was confirmed on Tuesday that her parents will be granted a licence for medicinal cannabis to treat her rare form of epilepsy.

By Kieran O’Mahony


EIGHT-year-old Ava Barry will definitely be home in Aghabullogue for Christmas after it was confirmed on Tuesday that her parents will be granted a licence for medicinal cannabis to treat her rare form of epilepsy.

It was the news Vera Twomey and her husband Paul Barry had waited two years to hear, after campaigning relentlessly on behalf of Ava.

They will all be finally re-united in a few weeks’ time, after spending six months apart from each other.

Speaking to The Southern Star, Vera said she is ‘absolutely delighted’ with the news.

‘I’m so happy that Ava has finally been granted a licence for medicinal cannabis, and the family are absolutely thrilled with the news,’ said Vera.

‘I got the call yesterday from Fianna Fáil leader Mícheál Martin, so it was a relief to hear it officially,’ she added.

She said her husband Paul and their other children ‘are so excited with this and can’t wait for us to come home at last.’

Vera said that they have some things to be organised before they are ready to go home, and while she doesn’t have a confirmed date, she said they will be definitely be home for Christmas.

‘I’m absolutely delighted that Ava is now free to have her medicinal cannabis at home in Aghabullogue, where she should be,’ she added.

Vera broke the news with a video on her Facebook page on Tuesday afternoon and she has been inundated with messages from people who had supported her throughout her battle to obtain a licence for Ava.

‘People have been so kind to us throughout this process and I would just like to thank everyone for all their kind messages and we are looking forward to coming home at last.’

MEP Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan said it was a great day for people who need medicinal cannabis and praised Vera and Paul for their determination in fighting for Ava and said that TD Gino Kenny’s Bill to the Oireachtas should be called ‘Ava’s Bill’ in honour of the eight-year-old girl.

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