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Stinky stench is continuing in Kinsale

April 20th, 2023 5:45 PM

By Southern Star Team

Stinky stench is continuing in Kinsale Image
Shannonvale resident and independent candidate in June's local elections Barry O’Mahony with a glass of murky local water in 2020.

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KINSALE residents who live near the wastewater plant on the west of the town continue to be plagued by malodours. 

The smell is unbearable during the summer months when the combination of the extra pressure on the system and the warmer weather seem to have an effect, said Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns. 

‘This has been an ongoing issue and Irish Water are aware of it. I attended a meeting between Irish Water representatives and residents recently to discuss the problem and proposed solutions. Irish Water have said that they will provide greater monitoring and assessment to understand the root cause of the issue. In addition, they have planned remedial works and committed to more frequent communications with local people,’ she said. 

However, she said it isn’t an isolated case.

‘I have been working with locals in Belgooly and Castletownbere on similar issues. From an environmental and health perspective, the very least people should expect is the proper treatment of wastewater and household sewage. However, years of underinvestment in water infrastructure has left communities and areas exposed to discharges and malodour. 

‘The wastewater issues in Shannonvale have been ongoing for decades. The overflowing wastewater tank in the village has turned the once-beautiful park by the Argideen river into an overgrown, dilapidated site. Last year Minister Darragh O’Brien visited Shannonvale but nothing has changed. There needs to be proper funding assigned to address this issue once and for all,’ the Cork South West TD added. 

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