Schull-based Jeanne Sullivan Billeci, author of Be the Soul Mate You Want to Attract, specialises in helping people to attract the type of partner who supports and elevates them
What’s your top tip for anyone looking for a relationship?
One of the biggest time and heart energy wasters is dating someone who doesn’t know what they want. Before you put yourself out there, the most important thing to do is get really clear on what you want and what you offer in a relationship. Are you looking for traditional marriage or a less conventional partnership? Do you really want kids and pets or not? What are your love languages and dealbreakers?
What do you most need a partner to provide in a relationship and what are you willing to provide? This clarity makes you much better at sorting through candidates whom you might be attracted to physically but are not compatible with you.
Some of the main stumbling blocks when looking for love?
Most people who are frustrated in dating have what I call ‘love blocks,’ limiting beliefs that get in the way of them being open to allowing someone into their life or seeing what’s truly possible for them. This creates patterns that leave them on a dating hamster wheel. Once you learn from these patterns and stand up for your needs and boundaries, you will make wiser choices. Another major stumbling block is when people are dissatisfied in their life and think a relationship will make them happy; unfortunately this only creates more disappointment because no one will ever be able to make you happy except you.
The good news is once you make changes that put you on a happier, more purposeful path, you will start attracting much happier, healthier people.
Your advice to anyone feeling lonely this Valentines?
The best thing to do on Valentine’s Day if you’re single is to do something that makes your heart happy, such as making a playdate with other singletons who lift you up, immersing yourself in a hobby or pampering yourself at the spa or at home. The key is to not spend it on social media comparing yourself unfavourably to coupled friends who brag about their dates and presents.
For singletons who want to get some clarity on the relationship they want and start taking action to get it, I’m hosting a free webinar, Start Manifesting the Love You Want, on Valentine’s Day at 5.45pm.
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