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How to choose the right SPF for your skin type

August 26th, 2022 10:50 AM

By Southern Star Team

How to choose the right SPF for your skin type Image

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Protecting your screen from harmful UV rays isn't only a worry in warmer weather.

Once the sun has settled on summer and winter rolls around, you should still be reaching SPF daily. In short, you should be protecting your skin any time it is exposed to natural light for prolonged periods.

However, finding the right sunscreen can prove a challenge. Furthermore, settling on a sun protection factor is only half the battle.

One of the most important things you'll need to consider is your skin type. Need some pointers to find the perfect product for your skin? Our guide breaks down everything you need to know.

For Oily Skin

If you suffer from oily skin, it's best to stick with a chemical formula. These products are a drier alternative to mineral-based sunscreens.

While effective, a mineral-based solution is only going to exacerbate oil skin conditions, leading to clogged pores, irritation and blemishes.

For Dry Skin

If you're prone to dry skin, mineral-based sunscreens are a solid choice. As a rule, look for products that contain hydrating ingredients.

Glycerin, ceramides and hyaluronic acid are all incredibly effective at sealing in moisture and keeping your skin hydrated. For some people with dry skin, it's best to avoid the sun entirely.

Nonetheless, you can still achieve a gorgeous glow with self-tanning solutions.

Many suntan ranges offer plenty of options for those with skin that's at the drier end of the spectrum.

For Acne Sufferers and Sensitive Skin

If your skin is prone to acne breakouts, you're probably already careful about the kind of cosmetics you use.

When choosing a suitable sun lotion, avoid anything that will clog your pores.

The thicker the solution, the more likely it is you'll have to deal with clogged pores and flare-ups. If you're already in the midst of a flare-up, cast the net wider when searching for sun protection.

Products containing ingredients like niacinamide are a good shout if you're looking to minimise visible blemishes and redness.

It's not only acne sufferers that can have issues with sun lotion.

Even those with sensitive skin can find everyday formulas irritating. If you suffer from contact dermatitis or a mild form of eczema, steer clear of any products loaded with fragrances.

Try and stick with protection that contains things like zinc as the active ingredient. Anything enriched with B and C vitamins is also a good choice.

For Darker Skin

Darker skin does benefit from bolstered protection against UV rays.

However, this doesn't mean you're completely protected against the risk of skin cancer and burning.

The good news is that you don't have to be too discerning when selecting products.

To make life easy, opt for broad-spectrum protection to safeguard your skin against UVA and UVB rays.

Which Product is Right for You?

Once you've determined your skin type, choosing the right sun protection is easy. Suffering from oily skin? Mineral-based formulas are the way to go.

Is dry skin a daily occurrence? Moisturising agents like hyaluronic acid and glycerin will seal in moisture as you soak up the rays.

Acne sufferers tend to have a harder time with cosmetics and SPF protection, but there are plenty of options out there. Avoid thicker solutions that will clog pores and encourage flare-ups.

To combat existing redness, look for a sun lotion that contains niacinamide. To help calm flare-ups, stick to skin-friendly active ingredients like zinc and titanium oxide.

Dealing with darker skin? A broad-spectrum sunscreen will offer reliable protection against the most harmful of UV rays.

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