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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Local filmmaker seeks assistance on new project

October 2nd, 2021 3:10 PM

By Southern Star Team

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Local filmmaker seeks assistance on new project Image

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EDITOR – I’m looking for some assistance from people in West Cork who were in any way connected to the Whiddy disaster in 1979.

I’m a documentary filmmaker living in Dublin (originally from Skibbereen) and my father was one of the firemen called out to Whiddy on that unforgettable January night.

The events of that night and of the subsequent days, weeks and months have left a permanent mark on the lives of many people who were directly or indirectly impacted by the disaster. With the support of RTÉ and Screen Ireland, we’re developing a documentary film and would like to hear from anyone who is willing to share their stories and memories from that time.

Our only intention is to tell the story through people’s memories and recollections spanning from that Christmas in December 1978, right through to the devastating events that unfolded in the early hours of Monday, January 8th 1979. We are interested in people’s recollections from that time and the immediate aftermath, up to the Tribunal of Inquiry.

We are also travelling to Brittany to meet with some of the 43 French families whose lives were destroyed that night.

If anyone is interested in getting in touch please contact me on: [email protected] or 087-2523482.

Adrian McCarthy,

Curious Dog Films,

Crumlin, Dublin 12.

Old boys’ network in the Defence Forces

EDITOR – Do any of your readers believe that senior officers of the Defence Forces and civil servants were unaware of harassment and bullying carried out against female members of the Defence Forces?

It would appear this ongoing problem was either not taken seriously or deliberately ignored by those in authority.

Now many in authority are expressing concern.

In my opinion, any inquiry should be conducted by somebody from outside Ireland.

All systems in this country have been, in my opinion, tarnished by male domination and the ‘old boys’ network’.

Michael A Moriarty,

Rochestown, Cork.

Abortion ‘puts female lives at risk’

EDITOR – Marie Mulholland, in her letter to the editor on September 18th, expresses concern that the restricted abortion laws in Texas show a disregard of human rights and may put women’s lives at risk.

Abortion – which is the deliberate killing of the unborn person – definitely does show a disregard for the human right to be born and with female babies targeted for abortion in many countries, it also does put female lives at risk.

Edel O’Dwyer,


Only minding their own corners

EDITOR – In reply to a letter in your paper regarding cash for windfarms to discourage objections, a school or GAA club receiving  donations from  windfarm  developers is no different to big supermarket chains  funding jerseys or new iPads  etc.

A lot of small  shops have closed in the last 15 years and sadly  a lot more will also close as they cannot  compete with the big giants.

I don’t see many people objecting outside of these shops, or any major planning objections  to their development, only  waiting for them to open so they can buy a cheap drill or wine etc or people basically trying to feed their families as cheap as they can because they’re paying extortionate rent.

The point of my letter is that everyone has their own corner to mind – the landowners of windfarm developments, the family paying their rent, the school, GAA club etc.

Patrick McCarthy,


Named and shamed

EDITOR – Landlords are currently trying to increase rents by 8% across this country. The limited protections that this government has for tenants are not working at all. They were not able to bring in rent increases last year because of the ban but now they are trying to double up from 4% to 8% because the government is lifting the ban. The greedy landlords who try this on before we are even out of the pandemic, should be named and shamed.

Noel Harrington,


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