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Avoid money lenders at all costs

December 18th, 2021 3:10 PM

By Southern Star Team

Avoid money lenders at all costs Image

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EDITOR – As we make our way through one of the busiest months for households, financial pressure is at its highest for a lot of people. For those who struggle financially during the year, Christmas can be a time of anxiety and stress and with expenses racking up, a lot of people will look to money lenders.

Unfortunately, December is a prime time of business for unregulated money lenders who should be avoided at all costs.

If at all possible, borrowing money at Christmas should be avoided as the very high-interest rates on such short-term loans really set you back in the new year.

It is important for the public to know that they can seek free advice from their local Mabs office – the state’s money advice and budgeting service – where they can speak with a money advisor who will offer useful and realistic advice.

If a loan is completely necessary, it’s vital that you ensure you are dealing with an authorised money lender.

If borrowing from an unregulated money lender, you are putting yourself at huge risk of ongoing debt and you are not protected.

Towards the end of December, it’s clear to see why so many people feel the pinch; from the costs of gifts, socialising and food shopping. It’s important for individuals and households to plan and stick to realistic budgets, enjoying the festive period without the additional stress and strain of loan repayments.

I strongly encourage anyone with financial worries or those who need some extra budgeting advice to contact their local office at or call the helpline on 0818 07 2000 which is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 8pm.

Jessie Anthony,

Money advice co-ordinator,

Cork Mabs Ground Floor,

101 North Main Street, Cork.

Theatrics and threats around the signing of the Treaty in 1921

EDITOR –  I suppose Covid-19 has given the government a breathing space or an excuse not to make much fuss about the signing of the Anglo Irish Treaty on November 6th 1921 that divided the country politicly to this day.

What a turbulent time it was, and what bravery skill and dedication it took for a guerrilla army to lead one of the world’s most brutal colonial powers to the negotiating. It was some achievement.

The legacy of what took place haunts us to this day with the “what ifs’. One of the British negotiators to the treaty threatened that were the Irish to refuse compromise and agree a negotiated settlement, ‘hostilities on a scale never hitherto undertaken by this country against Ireland’ would be seen.

Even though Michael Collins, a master of disguise, was able to slip into the London environs and take up residence with the rest of the IRA’s delegation at Hans Place in Knightsbridge SW1, using an assumed name, he could not escape the threats and pressure being exerted by Churchill, Hammer Greenwood, and Lloyd George. Although as a life and death principal, Collins always had two eyes on the other fellow(s) rather than letting them watch him.

Duress and multiple threats had Collins and his men with their backs against the wall and the treaty was signed.

Collins certainly did not see this as the end of the matter, but the beginning of the end of British rule in Ireland.

‘What ifs’ raise their heads to this day – what if he wasn’t killed at Beal na Bláth? History would certainly have taken a different path. It’s a pity that Micheál Martin hasn’t got some of the great man’s traits. His defending of the position not to hold a State event to highlight the dirty tricks the British adopted to hasten the signing of the treaty, would show exactly that even to this day trust and fairness is something that does not sit comfortably alongside a British government.

Boris Johnson and his negotiating team versus the EU are using the exact same threats, lies and dismissive attitude to internationally signed agreements over the implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol, 100 years later.

James Woods,

Gort an Choirce,

Dún na nGall.

Pointing fingers in wrong direction?

EDITOR –  The vast majority of those countries from whence migrants come are members of the UN, whose policy is that anyone wishing to travel to another country should apply to the nearest relevant embassy/consulate for an appropriate visa.   For some not so obscure reason, this doesn’t seem to work.

    However, we now have Mr Moriarty with his finger that he’s going to point. Alternatively, he’s going to ‘look at’ those who orchestrate the movement of these people and ‘encourage’ them to apply via the proper channels.

I’m sure those countries who have to deal with the problem will appreciate his mailing list so that they can drop them all a line or put up a poster?

Nick Turner,


Can’t afford to rent, not to mind buy

EDITOR –  The average house price in Dublin is €412k and rent for a bedsit is over €2k a month. Ordinary workers are not only locked out of buying a home, they are barely unable to afford rent. During the last election FF promised to build 10,000 affordable purchase homes per year.

Under that proposal houses do not become more affordable. As it stands, the State spends €1bn a year on rental subsidies to private landlords and there is no way renters will ever be able to afford to buy their own home and they live under the threat of eviction.

Noel Harrington,


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