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Life without limits with Incrediwear

September 19th, 2019 9:45 AM

By Southern Star Team

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Jackson Corley speaks about how the revolutionary Incrediwear range has helped to transform the lives of those suffering with pain


Jackson Corley speaks about how the revolutionary Incrediwear range has helped to transform the lives of those suffering with pain.


Jackson Corley was a chiropractor who enjoyed active sports, especially mountain biking. However, after a terrible fall off his bike in 2008, it looked like his sporting days were over. The fall caused multiple herniated discs and he was in constant, severe pain.

Frustrated by the lack of progress in his recovery and by the differing medical opinions he was being given, Jackson decided to try and help himself and made a back brace.

'I had heard about germanium and how the Japanese had long used it to improve circulation. I experimented with the combination of carbon and germanium and embedded both chemical properties in the fibres of the brace. I started wearing it and when I saw the doctor three weeks later, he was amazed by how much my pain had decreased and how much better I could walk'.

Carbon and germanium are semi-conductors activated by body heat, creating cellular vibrations that dramatically increase blood flow. The increased blood flow delivers more oxygen to the affected area, promoting acceleration in healing, reducing pain, inflammation and fatigue.

The back brace became the first product in what is now the Incrediwear range of braces, supports, gloves and socks. The fundamental concept is the same in all the products, and therefore they give pain relief from injury but also work for a range of other conditions that benefit from reducing inflammation, such as arthritis, tendonitis, joint pain, sprains, and tired/aching muscles.

Jackson says: 'Even though I had worked as a chiropractor before, it was still a shock to me to realise how many people live with pain on a continuous basis. It is debilitating and has a massive impact on their lives. A huge amount of our Incrediwear customers suffer from arthritis and they find the products really help relieve their pain and reduce the stiffness in their joints'.

Treating pain from arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that affects 915,000 people in Ireland, the most common form being osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is often referred to as “Wear and Tear Arthritis” and usually affects middle aged and older people. The joints most commonly affected by OA are the joints that get heavy use, such as hips and knees, hands and the spine.

A study conducted by Dr Paul Lee, Orthopaedic Surgeon, at the Sports Medicine Department of the University of Lincoln, UK, demonstrated how Incrediwear can positively impact the symptoms of arthritis.

Chriopractor Jackson Corley pictured with his bike

His research examined how the Incrediwear knee sleeve affected the arthritis of 50 participants who had suffered knee pain for at least 6 months. He found there to be significant clinical improvements in pain and function particularly for those with mild arthritis.

His study concluded the Incrediwear knee sleeve could play an important role in managing the symptoms of knee arthritis.

Arthritis sufferers are usually advised to keep active and keep moving which can be the last thing they feel like doing when they are in pain. However, it is important to keep the muscles as strong as possible, because the stronger they are around the joints, the better they can support and protect those joints.

Research shows that most people with osteoarthritis feel better and can do more when they exercise regularly.

Keeping active, avoiding injury & treatment of sports injuries

With the current emphasis on leading a healthy lifestyle more and more people are participating in sport, in fact 43% of the Irish population participate in sport at least once a week.

Sporting activities make specific demands on the body however, and regardless of the level of preparation or participation, these demands make all of us, including professional athletes, susceptible to injury.

This was the case for Phil Healy, Ireland’s fastest female sprinter, when she fractured a bone in her foot in April while at training camp.

Frustratingly it came after she had a great start to the year with a win in the Vienna International Indoor Meet and a close second place at the Millrose Games in New York.

At the Irish University Championships she was just 0.05 seconds off her personal best. Phil’s main aim for 2019 was the World University Championships’ 200m in Naples in mid-July where a medal was a realistic aim.

Making the event at all was an outside shot with the injury occurring in mid April.

While working closely with her coach and medical professionals to rehab correctly Phil also wore Incrediwear sleeves to support her recovery.

'The Incrediwear products were very effective when recovering from my foot fracture. Having the ankle sleeve gave my foot great support as I progressed my rehab without reducing my ankle mobility.

'Wearing the calf sleeves increased my circulation ensuring blood was flowing to the injured site while also giving extra support for my exercises and reducing muscle fatigue. It definitely helped accelerate my recovery'.

Thankfully Phil’s character, talent and her hard work in rehab got her to the final in Naples where she clocked an impressive time of 23.44.

The effectiveness of Incrediwear on boosting recovery is backed up by studies carried out recently in the Bundesliga for players of FC Cologne and on major league soccer players in the US. All the studies have demonstrated a decrease in the number of days missed through injury by professional athletes wearing Incrediwear, lower rates of injury and speedier recovery times.

With the 2019 IAAF World Championships taking place in Doha on September 28 Phil has been warm weather training for the last number of weeks.

For more information on Incrediwear, or to find your nearest stockist go to or contact 01-214 3674


Here’s what our customers think:

'I love my Incrediwear supports. I have two wrist supports, one knee and a pair of gloves. They are the only thing that have been consistently and immediately effective against my arthritis pain. They are comfortable and supportive and allow me to get the exercise I need to build the muscles that support the joints'. Alan Murray

'I suffer with rheumatoid psoriatic and osteoarthritis. I tried the Incrediwear knee sleeve and the difference it has made in just one week is incredible. It has done more for me than any anti-inflammatory medication I have ever taken. It is by no means a cure but my day to day life is much easier than what it had been movement wise'. Margaret Furlong

'It was great to get back to playing and training regularly again about 3 years ago with my local club Clann na nGael but my back was always very stiff and sore after matches and training, I suppose it was more from wear and tear over the years. I had to take it easy for a while and wasn't training as much and it was difficult to sleep at night with the back pain. I heard about Incrediwear and it sounded good, so I bought a back brace to try it out. I couldn’t believe how great it was, I wear it before, during and after playing and training and it has made my life much easier. I wouldn’t be without it now, it is a fantastic product and it’s a pity I didn’t hear about it sooner! I'm delighted to be back playing and enjoying my football again with no more back pain, not bad for 44!' Graham Geraghty, All Star, 2 Time All Ireland Winner and Former Meath Captain.

'I am a keen rugby player and have struggled with ankle sprains over the last 3 seasons. The swelling from the injuries has really slowed my recovery time and prevented me getting back to playing again quickly. I have tried lots of other supports to speed up recovery and reduce inflammation but none have them have been particularly successful. Two weeks ago I sprained my ankle again. I wore the Incrediwear ankle sleeve overnight and couldn't believe the difference in just 12 hours. It is the best product I have ever used and I highly recommend it!' Andrew Thompson

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