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In a West Cork Minute with Finish Line Fitness instructor Mark Hilliard

June 8th, 2015 9:02 AM

By Southern Star Team

In a West Cork Minute with Finish Line Fitness instructor Mark Hilliard Image
Mark Hilliard

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A West Cork native, he registered a personal best time in the Cork City marathon on Monday last

Mark Hilliard Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 on how funny you are? Oh, I don’t know, I suppose a 3? I wouldn’t be the funniest man on earth. People who know me find me comical though!

Highlight of your sporting career? Crossing the finish line last September in the Dingle 50-mile Ultra to complete my 50th marathon was pretty huge. Having my wife Sharon and kids there too was very special.

Most dialled number on your phone? My wife, Sharon.

What’s your karaoke song? I like the Kenny Loggins’ Danger Zone song from Top Gun.

Best-ever holiday? Our honeymoon in Cuba back in 2003 was special. We stayed in a resort for 12 days and it was a fantastic country. We loved our time there.

If you won the lotto what would buy first? The first thing I would do with a wad of lotto cash is to fund the construction of a decent running track in Clonakilty.

What’s your favourite word? A word people often relate to me is ‘awesome’. Please understand that this is because I use the word awesome far too much and not because I think I actually am awesome. (Note: awesome was mentioned three times in that last sentence).

If you could change any part of you what would it be? A pair of Kenyan marathon runner’s legs would be great.

Your most treasured item of clothing? My Marathon Club Ireland running vest is pretty special to me. My Clonakilty marathon and Clonakilty Road Runners vests are also hugely important to me but I’m hoping to put the number 100 (marathons completed) on the Club Ireland one someday soon.

Favourite cartoon? It has to be The Simpsons. I quote that cartoon far too often.

If I was an animal I would be a ... terrier! I had one called Patch when I was growing up and he was relentless. The dog was knocked down four times but survived and just kept coming back. He only bit two people in his life and both were guards!

What question would you like to have been asked in this interview? How excited am I about Boston marathon icons Rick and Dick Hoyt, aka Team Hoyt, coming to the Keith Whyte Waterfront Ultra Marathon in Courtmacsherry on July 25th? My answer would have been ‘unbelievably excited’.

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