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Beara GAA website nearly ready to go live

July 16th, 2018 1:00 PM

By Kieran McCarthy

Beara GAA website nearly ready to go live Image
Jerry Leary from America makes a presentation to Adrigole GAA on behalf of his Blake ancestors from Crooha, Adrigole. Pictured, from left, Michael Blake, Michael Joe O'Sullivan (Adrigole GAA vice-chairman), Jerry Leary, Kevin Green (Adrigole GAA chairman) and Joseph Blake (Adrigole GAA county board

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Cork GAA chairperson Tracey Kennedy is the ideal person to launch Beara GAA's new website at the Berehaven Lodge, Castletownbere on July 20th, at 8pm.

CORK GAA chairperson Tracey Kennedy is the ideal person to launch Beara GAA’s new website at the Berehaven Lodge, Castletownbere on July 20th, at 8pm, insists the division’s PRO Joseph Blake.

‘It is wildly acknowledged that Tracey took the role of county PRO to a new level during her term as county PRO and set the benchmark for other county PROs to follow,’ he said.

‘This was acknowledged when she won the Gaelic Writers Association PRO of the year in 2014 and was manager of the Cork GAA website when it won GAA McNamee Award for best GAA website in 2013. 

‘Tracey is a strong promoter of digital media and social media within the GAA and also been very helpful to the Beara division in recent times and we looking forward to welcoming her to Beara on July 20th.

‘She is the ideal person to launch the website.’

Beara GAA Chairman Jim Hanley told The Southern Star earlier this year that a new up-to-date website for the division is ‘essential’ to keep Beara GAA people at home and abroad informed of what’s going on in the division. PRO Blake agrees.

‘There are a number of benefits to the website,’ he says. 

‘First of all, the website is being done in conjunction with the Beara Coiste na nÓg and Beara ladies GAA as the website site is aimed to incorporate all things GAA within Beara so anyone who wishes to see what’s going on in the GAA in Beara will be able to find it on the new Beara GAA website. 

‘The website will be mobile responsive to reflect the public’s current use of mobile devices to search the internet. 

‘This website will incorporate the GAA competition management system and live scoring feature so scores and tables will be available immediately when the score has been received. Any club who has a website with sportsmanger will be able to synchronise their own Beara fixtures onto their own club website.’

Adrigole clubman Blake added: ‘There are Beara people spread across the globe and it’s important to maintain a close relationship with them as many of them has made a vital contribution to the GAA in Beara. 

‘It’s also important that people with any Beara connection are able to connect and keep update with all the things are happening with Beara GAA.’

Up to now Beara is the only division in the county without

 its own website but that’s all about to change thanks to a team effort with help from all the clubs involved.

‘There is great co-operation from the clubs on this project and this is reflected at the monthly Beara board meetings with the backing the clubs have given,’ Blake says. 

‘With six clubs, Beara is the smallest of the divisions in Cork so we have to work closely on many things and the new Beara GAA website is an example of what can be achieved when we all work together. 

‘The Beara executive led by chairman Jim Hanley have been fantastic in seeing how important the website is and getting behind its development. All six clubs in Beara have officers on the board and that has also been vital in this project.’

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