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WOMAN ON THE VERGE: Sex and the City is getting old … what does that make me?

June 20th, 2023 3:30 PM

By Emma Connolly

I’ve enough sun cream for the entire beach so just holler if you need any. It might distract me from obsessing over the fact that Sex and the City, right, is celebrating 25 years!

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Carrie and the crew are celebrating their 25th anniversary – imagine! And Love Island is 10! It all adds up to some fun viewing ahead, although hopefully we’ll be on the beach and too busy to be watching telly! 

• APPARENTLY Sex and the City is 25 years old. I say ‘apparently’ because a whole load of little videos from the crew are constantly popping up on my social media telling me so, even if I can hardly believe it. A quarter of a century? Wowzers. I pretty much came of age watching this series and well, now I just feel mainly, old. I used to very much enjoy SATC, even if I never really identified with it that much (except for perhaps their love of cocktails). Now, as much as it pains me to admit it, I think I’ve outgrown them all, and I find them quite annoying. Their (fictional) lives are a world away from mine: for starters they never ever talk about dinners, nor do they ever make dinners, or clear up from dinners which is what I feel I must have been put on this earth to do as it occupies 98% of my time (I’m trying my best to make peace with it). 

Imagine Sex and the City, starring Sarah Jessica Parker, first aired on June 6th, 1998? If you’re not great at the maths like myself that’s a quarter of a century ago. That sort of knocked me for six – same way packing for a trip to the beach leaves me. (Photo: IMDB)


Also, they don’t wear Birkenstocks (sorry, I quit the heels a while back); they’ve all had Botox (I’m still saving for it) and they get to regularly meet up for long, self-indulgent, uninterrupted lunches. Who gets to do that? Fine, I’ll admit that I’m just horribly jealous and totally still want to be Carrie when I grow up. Whenever that will be. And yes of course I’m going to watch the new season of Just Like That, starting on June 22nd. Sure what else would I be doing?

• Anyway, I had a missed call from a pal the other night (one that I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to meet for lunch for a few weeks, unlike the SATC gals). 

We usually just WhatsApp each other, so my immediate reaction when I saw the call was that something awful had happened and I texted: ‘Are you ok? What’s wrong?’ I was mid-sentence typing ‘Let me know if everything is alright, I’m totally freaking out….’ when she put me out of my misery and said she had just been calling for a chat. Why would you do that? And to a friend! 

She agreed that her reaction is also to go straight to catastrophe mode on seeing a missed call. What have we become, we laughed (while trying not to cry)! It’s probably an age thing that we’re in constant fear of being told some awful news, ranging from someone dying, to someone telling you they might have given you the vomiting bug or nits. I bet Carrie doesn’t have to live in such a state of constant terror. Let’s all drop our shoulders and take a few deep breaths … there, doesn’t that feel better? Try it again – with a cocktail perhaps?

• Now, I know the weather has simmered down a bit this past week but that’s given me a bit of headspace to reflect on a few things, mainly people’s behaviour on Irish beaches, or more specifically what they bring with them. I’ve narrowed it down to two camps. 

There’s those who arrive (more like saunter) with one well-packed bag which contains all their essentials, including a book, a fold-up deckchair, and a lunch box with interesting snacks like olives, some elegantly sliced watermelon, perhaps a slice or two of Parma ham, and a little rocket. Then there’s the people who will arrive (panting) carrying 35 bags, not including the deckchair, or the six-pack of Tayto, the bread rolls, or the packet of ham. They’re all in another bag. That you have to go back to the car for, that’s most likely parked a nice distance away.

• Not surprisingly, I’m currently in camp number two, but the ambition is to migrate to camp number one in time for the next warm spell. Right now I’d nearly need planning permission for all the beach gear we drag with us, and of course every single time we forget something essential (usually spare knickers). 

I never forget the sun creams, though, which is just as well as I’ve spent what feels like a small fortune stocking up for the summer. Growing up, it seemed like we had one bottle that lasted my entire childhood. 

I’ve got the leather-like skin to prove it, too. But now I live in fear of developing as much as a single freckle, so sun protection is one thing I’m not going to skimp on. The good news is I’ve enough for the entire beach so don’t be shy about coming forward for some (you’ll have to rub it in yourself, though).   

• And just like that … Love Island is back, for an incredible 10th season. I’m not sure if I should wear it as a badge of honour or shame, but I haven’t ever watched a single show. Should I start? Advise me, please. Of course all of this is completely trivial if you’re currently in ‘charge’ of someone doing a State exam. I don’t envy you. It’s a stressful time for all the family. Keep calm and repeat to yourself: this too shall pass. 

You can look forward to a nice day at the beach when it’s all done and dusted. Start packing now!

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