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Bere benefits from funding boost for our islands

May 25th, 2024 4:00 PM

By Helen Riddell

Bere benefits from funding boost for our islands Image
Bere Island Women Create were awarded €981 to purchase a perspex display case for their patchwork quilt.

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BERE Island is set to benefit from over €15,000 of funding from Cork County Council funding under the West Cork Islands Amenity Fund.

The island was one of a number of beneficiaries, throughout the region.

Groups on Bere Island who have been awarded funding include Bere Island Projects Group who will receive €1,000 towards a Military Heritage Festival to be held on the island in June, €3,000 towards resurfacing an amenity area in Rerrin Village and €1,000 towards purchasing two pieces of outdoor fitness equipment, and an award of €2,500 towards purchasing a 20KVA generator for the island community centre should any further power outages occur on the island.

The group will also receive €1,400 towards the purchase of an inflatable arch for the finish line at the annual five-mile run.

Other Bere Island groups benefitting include the Bere Island Tourism and Environment Group who were awarded €1,300 to purchase new signage for the island and €1,000 to replace two benches at Cloughland Strand which were destroyed during the recent Storm Kathleen.

The island women’s art group, Bere Island Women Create were awarded €981 to purchase a perspex display case to enable a patchwork quilt the group made during the Covid pandemic to be permanently displayed on the island.

The Bere Island Festival Committee were awarded €1,000 towards signage and bunting for the annual island festival in August.

The Bere Island Heritage Centre, which also operates as a high-speed broadband hub received €2,500 towards improving desk and office space for use by both islanders and visitors.

Other West Cork Islands who benefited from the funding include Heir Island who received €932 for a new marquee and chairs which will be used during the annual island Mass, regatta and concerts, Dursey Island will receive €1,200 towards the annual Dursey Island Festival, Sherkin Island will receive €20,000 for the BA Visual Arts four year programme, and Whiddy Island will receive €750 towards replacing flooring in the community hall, €3,500 to install acoustic panelling in the hall and €850 to purchase a water tank for the building.

The funding was part of Cork County Council’s commitment to supporting communities and voluntary groups in the regions and is administered by the eight municipal districts throughout the county.

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