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‘I’m not a punchbag’ FG Cllr Lynch tells the online trolls

April 5th, 2024 10:43 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

‘I’m not a punchbag’ FG Cllr Lynch tells the online trolls Image
The photo which Cllr Lynch posted online last week.

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A FINE Gael councillor who previously received a death threat has called out the ‘trolls’ and keyboard warriors who targeted her online.

Cllr Eileen Lynch from Aghabullogue, who was elected to  Macroom Municipal District in 2019, went public last weekend about the online abuse she received after posting a picture of herself and her new party leader, Simon Harris.

She said this latest abuse was the ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’ and that she is a politician and not a punchbag.

Speaking to The Southern Star, Cllr Lynch said the response from people since she went public about the online abuse has been incredible and very heartening.

‘I was just getting really irritated and that’s why I put up the post on my Facebook page, which I wouldn’t normally do. I know there is no real point in engaging with these trolls, because you’re not going to get anywhere, but equally I still didn’t want to let it go,’ said Cllr Lynch.

‘I had put up a picture on my page of Simon Harris – who I know since Young Fine Gael –  and I was wishing him the best of luck as the new leader of the party. And suddenly there was a vitriolic response. It truly was the straw that broke the camel’s back – previously I would have just taken it on the chin.’

Cllr Lynch, a qualified solicitor by trade, previously reported a death threat to the gardaí. ‘The gardaí were great and did look into it, but they couldn’t locate the person as it came from a burner phone.’

‘I do think female politicians get a bit more abuse than their male counterparts, but it’s not just politicians getting it, it’s people from all walks of life. These trolls, or keyboard warriors, think it’s okay to make horrible comments to people.’

She said she refuses to use X (formerly Twitter), which she described as toxic.

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