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Anger at plans to take ballot papers on 150km round-trip to Mallow and back

April 3rd, 2024 2:03 PM

Anger at plans to take ballot papers on 150km round-trip to Mallow and back Image
West Cork Loraine Lynch confirmed it was her understanding the ballot papers would be sent to Mallow for separation.

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COUNCILLORS have vowed to oppose plans to take ballot papers from West Cork to Mallow for separation, at the upcoming local and European elections on June 7th.

The issue was raised at a recent meeting of Cork County Council’s Western Division by Bantry’s Cllr Danny Collins (Ind) who said he’d been there was a plan to take the voting papers from Clonakilty to Mallow to be separated. They would then be returned to Clonakilty for counting.

‘I really would oppose that. Surely this can be done in Clonakilty, rather than requiring a 150km round-trip to North Cork. This will be prolonging the agony and dragging the count on even longer,’ he said.

Cllr Collins gained support from fellow councillors, many of whom expressed similar concerns.

Divisional manager for West Cork Loraine Lynch confirmed this was likely to be the case.

She said it was her understanding that the European ballots and local ballots were all due to be brought to Mallow for separation.

She said that the decision was taken by the returning officer and ultimately it was a matter for them but she would pass on the councillor’s concerns.

‘It’s appalling to take away local election ballots from the area.

‘They could be separated here in West Cork and the European ballots then taken to Mallow,’ said Cllr John O’Sullivan.

Councillor Danny Collins requested that the returning officer be asked to address the next Western Division meeting to explain the situation.

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