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Warren Strand closed

August 1st, 2016 8:40 AM

By Southern Star Team

Warren Strand closed Image

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Swimming is forbidden at the Warren strand at Rosscarbery until at least July 27th, due to a septic tank issue, Cork County Council has said.

SWIMMING is forbidden at the Warren strand at Rosscarbery until at least July 27th, due to a septic tank issue, Cork County Council has said. A malfunction was experienced for a short duration during upgrade works at Rosscarbery-Owenahincha septic tank on Thursday July 21st.  As a precautionary measure, a prohibition notice was placed at the Strand which meant there was no swimming allowed at the beach last weekend, or any days since. The beach will be sampled again on Wednesday July 27th.  The notice will remain on display at the beach until the water quality results are available and the water quality is deemed satisfactory.  Information on the Warren bathing water is available on & updated results will be posted on the information board at the beach and on the Council website. A sample taken last Monday by the HSE meant the restruction was continued into this week.

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