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Search for puma in Cork continues

September 7th, 2018 10:00 PM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Search for puma in Cork continues Image

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Trail cameras have been installed in areas where a puma has been sighted in recent days.

FOLLOWING reported sightings of a puma in the Crosshaven and Fountainstown area over the past week trail cameras have been set up in places where the animal is reported to have been seen.

A CSPCA spokesperson told The Southern Star earlier this evening that the reported sightings warranted an investigation.

'Several people have contacted us with reports of sightings of blackish puma and we want to get photographic evidence first. We are waiting on a confirmation and we have set down trail cameras which are motion sensitive to see what happens.'

'The sightings have also been reported to the gardaí in both Togher and Carrigaline.'

Meanwhile, it appears the puma has now got its very own Twitter account @CorkPuma and has been tweeting since earlier this evening much to the amusement of people on Twitter.

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