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President visits Kinsale boxers

December 15th, 2019 9:50 PM

By Southern Star Team

President visits Kinsale boxers Image

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MEMBERS of the Kinsale Boxing Club were honoured with a visit of the president when he called to the Sáile complex recently and he was very impressed to hear of the hard work and dedication of the members.

They are situated in the prefabs at the Saile Community Centre where  they train six  days a week, Monday to Friday 6.30 to 7.30pm for juniors (11-15 years) and 7.30 to 8.30pm for seniors (15 years+). They also have a kids’ class on Sundays at noon for children five years and over.

At present they have roughly 80 members consisting of 19 different nationalities and cater for all ages both male and female with the youngest member being five years old and the oldest 65. In the past year they have had boxers compete in England, France, Germany, Portugal, Scotland, Sweden and USA, but more importantly they do their best to facilitate everyone to help promote good mental and physical health as well as confidence and respect, which they feel is very important particularly for the younger generation.

The man behind the club, Jody McNamara, says: ‘On a personal level, I still train as often as I can to help set a standard for people looking to learn and achieve their goals, this year winning the Masters World Championship in Connecticut and the Atlanta Open title in Georgia, I have fights already lined up in Boston, Nevada and Mississippi in the new year.

‘We cover a huge catchment area ranging from Cork City to Carrigaline, Kilbrittan, Bandon, Ballinhassig and everywhere in between.

A lot of our members will never go on to actually box, but train just as hard as those that do and put their efforts at training into their other sports with the various local other clubs, be it Tae Kwon-Do, GAA, Rugby, Soccer or Athletics.

‘We are delighted to be able to play a part in the community and are very grateful for the continued support.

As we are a voluntary self sufficient club, new members are always welcome and can contact [email protected] or contact myself at 085-1487511.’

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