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More info is sought on Union Hall piggery

September 8th, 2021 3:00 PM

By Jackie Keogh

More info is sought on Union Hall piggery Image
A group opposed to the development of a piggery in Union Hall have been highlighting the issue locally.

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Cork County Council has requested further information in respect of a proposed piggery at Brade in Union Hall.

The local authority was due to make a decision on August 26th in relation to the application that was submitted by Vincent and Claire White.

A decision on the application to build an intensive pig farm at Brade has been deferred for six months until after the additional information has been supplied.

The application includes permission to construct a piggery complex consisting of four fattening houses, a weaner house, a farrowing house, a dry sow house, and an isolation house that have a slatted slurry tank. A group of locals have banded together to oppose the development and have sent several submissions to Cork County Council’s planning department. They are concerned that the piggery would be located close to other dwellings, waterways, sensitive environmental areas and a high value area for tourism and recreation in Glandore Harbour.

Pamela Collins, member of the Stop The Piggery Union campaign said: ‘We are pleased that the issues which we have raised in our objections have been taken on board by the planning authority. These seem to have formed the basis on which the applicant needs to provide additional information.’

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