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Letters to the Editor: Spare a though for India’s 1.5bn

May 8th, 2021 3:10 PM

Letters to the Editor: Spare a though for India’s 1.5bn Image

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Editor – As we wait for a full reopening of society by mid-summer, let us spare a thought for India.

Let us hope they can get through their biggest wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is more ferocious and faster this time.

In the last 21 days the USA, the UK, Ireland, Australia and others have sent oxygen supplies or vaccines as the virus surges to a point when people with the virus are turned away from hospitals that are full and others are dying from the virus from no oxygen available. Others are collapsing and dying on the streets. Hotels and train carriages are being used as emergency treatment centres.India’s population of 1.5bn has seen 18m people contract the virus, with an estimated 200,000 deaths, probably many more, in 12 months.

The 2020-2021 pandemic shows we are all more vulnerable than we realised.

Other warning signs include scientists who recently detected the axis of the Earth has slightly tilted in the last 10 years, moving the positions of the North and South magnetic poles.

We have suffered more loss in the precious Amazon Forest – the lungs of the planet – set on fire in 2019 to make way for business interests.

The burnings were condemned internationally. There were also intense fires into June 2020. At its peak there were 1,000 fires a day in November 2019 detected by satellites.

The moon is moving a miniscule distance further from the Earth as the pull of gravity slightly lessens. Saint Francis of Assisi spoke of the ‘brother sun’ and the ‘sister moon’. How wise he was. He knew how co-dependent in a positive way is everything.

Let us also praise and appreciate the many scientists who quickly created the vaccines in 12 months to protect many of us from this terrible Covid-19 disease.

Mary Sullivan,
Cork city.

A chance to learn about cancer trials

EDITOR – I would be grateful for the opportunity to inform readers of The Southern Star, particularly those who may have had a cancer diagnosis and who are interested in clinical trials, that Cancer Trials Ireland is hosting a cancer retreat on Friday May 21st.

The virtual event, which coincides with International Clinical Trials Day, is aimed at the cancer research community. However, conscious of the need to build awareness of clinical trials and to shed some light on how they work, we are opening up our first session to patients, advocates and members of the public.

Cancer Trials Ireland is the national organisation responsible for overseeing cancer trials in Ireland. This initiative is part of our Just Ask campaign where we encourage people receiving cancer treatment to ask their oncologist or doctor if there is a cancer trial suitable for them.

Each year in Ireland, approximately 45,000 people are diagnosed with cancer and it is estimated that one in two people will develop cancer at some stage during their lifetime.

Clinical trials offer new ways to prevent, find and treat cancer. They provide participants with access to treatments or procedures not available to other patients – treatments that are potentially better than those currently available, or treatments where there are no other options available. Cancer trials may provide benefit not only to those involved, but also help pave the way for others to access potentially life-saving therapies. There are currently 18 cancer trial centres across Ireland, including in Cork.

People can view the Cancer Retreat programme and register their attendance free of charge at

Eibhlin Mulroe, CEO
Cancer Trials Ireland,
Glasnevin, Dublin 11.

A thank you to Drinagh Co-Op shareholders

EDITOR– Regarding the management election at Drinagh Co-Op on April 22nd may I, at the outset, congratulate and compliment the management and staff of Drinagh Co-op on the efficient and flawless manner in which the recent election was conducted, fully comfortable, and compliant with all Covid-19 restrictions.

On a personal note, it has been an honour to serve and represent you, the shareholders, in the past, and to recognise your concerns and issues. I aim to continue that service and whole-heartedly pledge my entire support for the term ahead.

The raising and solving of any issues should form an integral part of my role as your elected representative. I look forward to engaging with you, the shareholders, by participating actively on your behalf if, and when, necessary.

Thank you for placing your confidence in me and returning me for another term.

Michael John O’Donovan,
Coolbawn East,

Just the jab

EDITOR – May I, through your good offices, make public the gratitude I expressed to the wonderful team at Bantry administering the Covid jab as I left ... ‘The efficiency of a machine and the humanity of a hug’?

Jeremy Cahill QC,

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