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LETTER: Skibbereen Digital Capital of Ireland

February 20th, 2016 6:10 PM

By Southern Star Team

LETTER: Skibbereen Digital  Capital of Ireland Image
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SIR – I attended the public meeting hosted by the Ludgate Committee in the Town Hall, Skibbereen, on Friday 5th last. The hall was full to capacity. All those present were there to learn and hear more about the Ludgate. 

SIR – I attended the public meeting hosted by the Ludgate Committee in the Town Hall, Skibbereen, on Friday 5th last. The hall was full to capacity. All those present were there to learn and hear more about the Ludgate. 

What is going on in the building; who will benefit; how will it help the local economy and those who live or move here; what lies ahead through Ludgate and its spinoffs for Skibbereen?

The positivity of the meeting cannot be overestimated. The gathering of leaders (and that is what they are) informed us, in layman’s (or laywoman’s) terms, that the development of Ludgate, and the interest it has created, is possibly greater than we can imagine just now and will enhance and be responsible for the further development of, not only Skibbereen, but West Cork generally. 

It is now out there that Skibbereen is the Digital Capital of Ireland. 

This is not an accolade easily achieved, nor should we regard it as a passing fad. 

The main purpose of this letter to The Southern Star is to highlight and acknowledge the group of people who have conceptualised and brought to fruition this wonderful development for Skibbereen. They have nothing to gain. They are non-political, and give of their time freely so as to help and promote an area whose potential has presented itself to them.

One outcome from the meeting is the hope that we all can, in our own way, promote the town as a digital hub. 

As a community we are in this together – family, friends and acquaintances all over the world will back us up, if we ask them to. Many of us may, just may, be able to bring our children back live and work in West Cork.

Those who have started the ball rolling deserve our support and thanks.

Mary G O’Brien,

Main Street,


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