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LETTER: A rose-tinted view of asylum seekers

May 26th, 2018 5:05 PM

By Southern Star Team

LETTER: A rose-tinted view of asylum seekers Image
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Far more are refused asylum than granted it, after being assessed by people with UNHCR training. That shows that it is the majority who are trying it on.

SIR – Robert Sullivan must have donned his rose-tinted glasses before sitting down to write his letter to The Southern Star (May 12th). Those abusing the asylum system, he claims, are a minority.

Far more are refused asylum than granted it, after being assessed by people with UNHCR training. That shows that it is the majority who are trying it on. A few facts: Robert referred to a Somalian. Previous to 2012, Somalia had no proper government, so it was impossible to return someone there. Consequently, your best bet to get to stay was to claim you were Somalian.

The 2009 report of ORAC said that, aware of this, they checked a group of 104 asylum seekers claiming to be Somalian. 61% of them had previously applied for visas to the UK under other nationalities. They were Tanzanian, Kenyan, Yemeni, Ethiopian and Djibouti.

The 2016 Report of the Reception and Integration Agency shows that, at the end of that year, of the family groups with children, 255 groups had both parents, while 389 were lone parents (read mothers). I guess in their countries women and children were the objects of government persecution, while the men were not!

In recent years, Albanians have been in the top five nationalities claiming asylum in Ireland. Is Albania one of the most oppressive spots on the planet?

These are random facts from a smorgasbord of such. The asylum system is intrinsically abusive of the receiving country and simply should not exist.

Áine Ní Chonaill, PRO,                  

Immigration Control Platform,

PO Box 6469,  

Dublin 2.

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