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Leap Festival has crowds jumping out of their skin!

November 4th, 2017 7:25 PM

By Southern Star Team

Leap Festival has crowds jumping out of their skin! Image
Shauna and Lorrain O'Donovan, Leap give monster hugs during the Leap Scarecrow festival.

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A witches' coven gathered for a celebratory dance in Leap last Sunday night – happy to be here despite the fact that Storm Ophelia and Storm Brian had blown them off course.



A WITCHES’ coven gathered for a celebratory dance in Leap last Sunday night – happy to be here despite the fact that Storm Ophelia and Storm Brian had blown them off course.

Slowly but surely the scarecrows started to arrive too and take up pride of place all along the main thoroughfare in Leap as part of the annual festival.

Given the recent bad weather, and the slow start, the coven agreed to extend the festivities to include next weekend, which means that the judging will take place all-day Saturday, November 4th, and the burning of the scarecrows will take place at 7.30pm on Sunday night, November 5th, followed by yet another surreal performance by the coven outside Connolly’s.

The video of their first performance is currently topping the charts on The Southern Star’s Facebook page.

Meanwhile, anyone with a late entry for the scarecrow competition can still register, free of charge, on Friday, at Leap Post Office or Ger’s Atlantic Diner.

Visitors to Leap should, however, be warned that a ‘Leap Loch Monster’ has been sighted in the bay area. 

You have been warned!

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