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Kayak taken from beach in Schull

February 3rd, 2022 10:00 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Kayak taken from beach in Schull Image
The two-person Vista kayak is missing from Cadogan's Strand in Schull.

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THE owner of a two-person kayak that was reportedly stolen from Cadogan’s Strand in Schull last Saturday has issued a warning to others to safeguard their property.

‘The kayak was one of two that was always left on the beach,’ Rose Nason told The Southern Star. ‘But when we went for a walk on Saturday, we realised it was gone.’

Rose put up a post about the alleged theft a local Facebook page and reported the matter to the gardaí.

She appealed to people to keep an eye out for the large, red, two-person Vista kayak, and to contact her, or the gardaí, if they see it.

‘If anyone has seen it we’d love to get it back,’ added Rose, who warned the many people who leave their kayaks at Cadogan’s Strand to be vigilant.

‘Ours was a particularly heavy one,’ she said. ‘You would need two strong people to move it. It was 15 years old. It was not built for speed, but it was a good kayak because it was comfortable and heavy.’

Many local kayakers leave their kayaks on beach shores during the winter and up to now, theft of these sometimes valuable items, has not been a huge problem in West Cork.

However, in recent years there have been a few incidents of theft around the coast, making owners more aware of security issues.

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