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It's time I got the bare fax on my own health

July 4th, 2016 11:40 PM

By Southern Star Team

It's time I got the bare fax on my own health Image

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Heads, shoulders, knees and toes. What am I talking about?  Well, I decided to have the full body service through my GP a couple of weeks ago. Been 10 years since I got anyone to look at my various bits and I was getting nervous. Dodgy tennis knees, achy feet, chesty cough etc. Got the bloods done, cholesterol, blood pressure and that winey liver. It’s a wonder I am still alive really.

HEADS, shoulders, knees and toes. What am I talking about? 

Well, I decided to have the full body service through my GP a couple of weeks ago. Been 10 years since I got anyone to look at my various bits and I was getting nervous. Dodgy tennis knees, achy feet, chesty cough etc. Got the bloods done, cholesterol, blood pressure and that winey liver. It’s a wonder I am still alive really.

So what was unusual about this? Well, the mode of communication between the various consultants and my GP was, are you ready for this? Fax. I was stunned. I haven’t used or seen one for over a decade. There are people alive and in the workforce who have never seen one at all, thank God. Dreadful things. Archaic.

And then it slowly started to dawn on me. Not only are our brilliant doctors and surgeons using ancient technology, they actually are culturally opposed to the new fangled emails and online services side of their practices. I can’t understand it. A single email copied to everyone would get it all done and dusted with a single flick of the wrist. But no. the receptionists are up to their necks in paper files and calling people on landlines and faxing confirmations to each other. This then is all followed up with snail mail to the patients. Astonishing.

But there is light on the horizon. As always, with businesses and organisations that won’t change, something new arrives that undermines the whole system. It’s an app called Meedoc and you can do the whole thing online. Also, you can get your own doctor on board (if you can) and unnecessary GP visits are a thing of the past. Go on, download it and change the world! But don’t hold your … em … breath.


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