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‘Grumpy cat’ BB found – 25km from her home!

January 27th, 2023 7:05 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

‘Grumpy cat’ BB found – 25km from her home! Image
BB the cat was finally found in Bandon after going missing in Kinsale, 25km away.

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A BRITISH shorthair cat who went missing from her Kinsale home on January 9th ended up being found 25km away in Bandon.

Allison Gordon and her partner Des were devastated when their four-year-old cat BB disappeared from their home on January 9th.

‘I had put up posts on social media and also dropped leaflets in houses in the area and people were great and got back to me  but there was no sign of BB,’ said Allison. ‘It then turned out that a lovely couple living by the bypass in Bandon found BB outside their home on Friday January 14th and they posted it on the Innishannon and Bandon Notice Board page but I hadn’t seen it. Thankfully, people alerted me and I met the couple the following day at Glasslyn Vets where I was reunited with BB.’

Allison, who has two other cats, including another British shorthair called Leo, said BB had gone missing before but had never gone that far. She reckons either she was stolen or else jumped into a car.

‘If someone did steal her they might have realised that she is almost a ‘grumpy cat’ and dumped her, or else because she loves being in cars she may have jumped into one! We are just glad she is home safe and sound.’

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