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Fifi the friendly owl a real showstopper wherever she spreads her wide wings

September 25th, 2019 7:10 AM

By Brian Moore

Fifi the friendly owl a real showstopper wherever she spreads her wide wings Image
Jolanta Proc from Riverstick, with her stunning eagle owl Fifi, at Ballygarvan show recently. (Photo: David Creedon /Anzenberger)

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Europe's largest owl proved to be a major attraction once again at the recent Ballygarvan Show.

EUROPE’S largest owl proved to be a major attraction once again at the recent Ballygarvan Show.

Eurasian eagle owl, Fifi, was on hand, with her owner’s Jolanta and Darek Proc from Riverstick, to keep an eagle (owl) eye on the day and she caused quite a stir with show goers. 

‘Fifi is the most friendly owl you’ll ever meet,’ Darek said.

‘She loves all the attention and the children especially love her because she is like one of the owls in the Harry Potter movies.’

Darek, who lives in Riverstick, also owns two barn owls, a peregrine falcon, a goshawk and a harris hawk.

‘The birds fly free everyday and they are all trained to come back to us when we offer them some food. 

‘They will come back and land on own outstretched arms,’ Darek said.

‘They love chicken and I also take the falcon out hunting, they are incredible birds. We love taking the birds to the Ballygarvan show and we’re already looking forward to next year.’ 

However, it was Fifi who stole the show and while the eagle owl is more at home in the forests of the less populated areas of Northern Europe, she didn’t seem to mind all the attention from the Ballygarvan crowd.

Ann O’Mahony said: ‘Jolanta and her husband Darek and their birds of prey have been a regular addition at the Ballygarvan show for many years.

‘This year was the biggest year yet for the show and once again these magnificent birds proved very popular. 

‘People these days don’t get to see much wildlife and it is great when they can get up close to such beautiful birds. The Ballygarvan show is an example of great community spirit and effort.’

Ann added: ‘We are looking forward to next year and to having Fifi back with us again.’

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