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Confirmed case of coronavirus at Cork University Hospital

March 5th, 2020 8:38 PM

By Southern Star Team

Confirmed case of coronavirus at Cork University Hospital Image

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STRICT visitor restrictions have been introduced with immediate effect at Cork University Hospital (CUH) due to infection control concerns and amid reports that a man in his 40s has been diagnosed with the Covid-19 virus.

It is believed the patient at the hospital had not been overseas or come into contact with any of the existing known cases, fuelling suspicion that the virus may be in the community. This brings to 13 the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country to date.

All outpatients appointments at CUH for Friday have been cancelled and strict visitor restrictions are in place. This is in the interest of patient care and in order to prevent the spread of infections within the hospital.

Anyone with any queries about visiting times or visiting a particular ward should ring the hospital on 021-4922000. Hospital management says it ‘regrets any inconvenience caused to patients and relatives by these necessary measures, which are being taken in the interests of patient care.

‘All infection control measures are in place and every effort is being made to manage and contain the spread of infection.’

Management at the South/South West Hospital Group have requested that, where appropriate, the public contact their GP or Southdoc in the first instance and explore all other options available to them prior to presenting to emergency departments in the city if their needs are not urgent.

LATEST (Friday 6th):

Cork University Maternity Hospital  wishes to advise that visitor restrictions are in place at the maternity hospital and that gynaecology outpatients are cancelled for today. Further updates will be advised in due course.

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