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Breaking: Whiddy strike deferred as workers consider WRC proposals

December 12th, 2022 6:50 PM

By Siobhan Cronin

Breaking: Whiddy strike deferred as workers consider WRC proposals Image
The terminal on Whiddy which is operated by Zenith. (Photo: Zenith International)

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TOMORROW’S planned strike action by Siptu members at the Zenith facility on Whiddy island has been deferred to allow workers consider proposals put forward by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) today.

Siptu sector organiser Willie Noone said it was agreed to defer the strike action that was planned to commence tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8am in order to allow members to consider proposals which emerged today from the WRC.

‘The strike action was in response to the decision by the company to make a number of employees redundant and to introduce changes to pay and conditions for other positions which were the cause of huge concern,’ said Mr Noone. ‘Our members appreciate the efforts of the WRC in assisting the parties involved to formulate proposals that go a long way to addressing the concerns of our members and can protect their employment conditions.’


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