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Appealing for a home

December 25th, 2021 11:40 PM

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THE West Cork Women Against Violence (WCWAV) project is, ironically, looking for a safe home this Christmas. The project needs to find a building where it can provide safe, discreet and helpful advice to women in need of its protection and help.

The project has done incredible work for so many women in West Cork since its establishment.

This year alone, it has helped almost 300 women who found themselves in precarious or violent situations at home and had nowhere else to turn.

The pandemic has exacerbated a lot of problems in families, magnifying many issues that they were already struggling with.

The WCWAV has this week appealed for a new home where it can continue its work and help many more women who may need to call on its service in the months and years to come.

Let’s hope that its pleas do not go unheard.

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