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Sour taste at Sinn Féin’s milk Vat plan

December 16th, 2022 10:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

Sour taste at Sinn Féin’s milk Vat plan Image
Senator Lombard says Sinn Féin can’t be trusted if they don’t even know the basic information on Vat rates on dairy products.

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SINN Féin’s ‘supposed financial guru’ who wants to be finance minister doesn’t even know what is involved in pricing a carton of milk, a Fine Gael senator has claimed.

Fine Gael Senator Tim Lombard said Pearse Doherty’s claim that people pay Vat on every carton of milk they buy is ‘wrong and false.’

‘The claims from the Sinn Féin financial guru leave a sour taste. Are they trying to make life more difficult for dairy farmers?’ he asked. 

‘There is no Vat on milk contrary to what Pearse claims live on national radio. It is 0% rated,’ said the Minane Bridge dairy farmer. 

 ‘If Sinn Féin can’t get this simple fact right, can you imagine what they would be like trying to manage with a cost of living crisis, international inflation and war putting pressure on energy supplies?’ Senator Lombard asked.

‘Vat is a tax charged on the sale of goods or services. It is usually included in the price of most products and services, at 23%. There is no Vat or a 0% rating on milk, bread, coffee, tea, books, oral medicine, disability aids such as wheelchairs, crutches and hearing aids.’ 

The party cannot be trusted, he said. 

‘SF are a high tax, anti-jobs party who would wreck the economy. They deleted their alternative budget from their website previously. They simply can’t stand scrutiny. Who knows what they would add Vat to? Will they start with a carton of milk, as many will be wondering now after these comments?’

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