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In a West Cork Minute - Rachelle Nyhan

March 22nd, 2017 9:00 AM

By Southern Star Team

In a West Cork Minute - Rachelle Nyhan Image
Rachelle Nyhan from Ballinascarthy.

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If Rachelle Nyhan (25), from Ballinascarthy, a member of the Bandon women’s hockey team, found a live penguin in her freezer, she would raise it as a pet …

If Rachelle Nyhan (25), from Ballinascarthy, a member of the Bandon women’s hockey team, found a live penguin in her freezer, she would raise it as a pet …


What’s the one thing you can’t live without? Eggs – some days I have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 


What would I find in your fridge right now? Yogurts, fruit/veg, hummus, cheese and probably butternut squash soup.


Name one element your sport could/should take from another?

More media coverage, particularly televising senior semi-finals and finals – both at provincial and national level. 


What do you think about when you’re alone in your car? 

Lesson plans for school! (I’m a PE and Irish teacher).


Who has been the biggest influence on your sporting career (and why)? At a club level Amy Roycroft was very influential – she was the senior player I looked up to when entering the club. I also think Novak Djokovic is an incredible athlete. He has a great balance between training/playing and interacting with fans.


Pick two celebrities to be your parents:  Will Smith because he is hilarious and Meryl Streep because she is a brilliant actress and would keep you on the straight and narrow!


What do you think cats dream of? Probably their next revenge move because they are evil animals!


If you could play any other sport for one day what would it be? Camogie.


If you joined a circus, what would you perform?

Knife thrower.


If you could get rid of one county in Ireland what would it be and why?  I wouldn’t get rid of any county because I don’t like odd numbers! 


What would you do if you found a penguin in your freezer?

If it was alive I would raise it as a pet.


Before we let you go, teach us something that we don’t know: 

Taithí a dhéanann máistreacht – experience brings perfection. 

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