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IN A WEST CORK MINUTE: Bantry's Emma Spillane takes on West Cork's toughest sports interview ...

August 1st, 2016 8:31 PM

By Southern Star Team

IN A WEST CORK MINUTE: Bantry's Emma Spillane takes on West Cork's toughest sports interview ... Image
Bantry Blues and Cork footballer Emma Spillane.

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Bantry’s Emma Spillane (17) lined out in her fifth All-Ireland final today (Monday) when Cork minors defeated Dublin, and again she showed why she’s a cut above the rest ...

Bantry’s Emma Spillane (17) lined out in her fifth All-Ireland final today (Monday) when Cork minors defeated Dublin, and again she showed why she’s a cut above the rest ...



How would your best friend describe you? I’m still waiting on a reply from Hannah...

Who was your sporting hero when you were ten years old? Bríd Stack.

Tell us a funny story from your childhood: Football wasn’t always for me. Since I was five years old I was destined to be a hairdresser – after I got a hold of the scissors and cut my long hair into a bob. Unfortunately, that career hasn’t yet worked out!

Where would you recommend for a weekend away? I’d have to say Belfast is my favourite city, especially if you like shopping.

If you were on an island and could only bring three things, what would you bring? I’d bring my phone to keep my Snapchat streaks going, a football and Dora – that one has everything in her bag!

If you could go back in time, where would you go and why? I’d go back to last year’s All-Ireland minor final when we beat Galway in Semple Stadium, it was a great feeling. 

What song best describes you? Irreplaceable by Beyoncé. 

What is your least favourite word? I’ve no time for the word patience. 

What’s your favourite knock-knock joke? Knock knock. Who’s there? The guy who finished second. The guy who finished second who? Exactly. 

What’s the world’s greatest invention? Food.

If you know you’d die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day? Eat, sleep, rave, can’t repeat. 

A penguin walks into the room wearing a sombrero, why is he wearing it and what does he say? He’s wearing it because of global warming and he says ‘help me, the ice caps are melting!’



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