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10 Star top-rated accommodation provided in Bantry

February 15th, 2024 11:54 AM

10 Star top-rated accommodation provided in Bantry Image

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MULTI-MILLION-EURO hotel groups around the world struggle to get it right when it comes to providing quality charming accommodation.

One particular place in the heart of Bantry, however, is showing how it’s done by setting an extraordinary example.

'I couldn’t believe it myself,' says the joint owner of the property, Bantry native Deirdre O’Mahony.

Located on High Street in the middle of the shoreside market town, Deirdre’s two rental flats are on the 1st and 2nd floor of a building that was in her family since 1950. It’s only since Lockdown, however, that the experimental idea to create holiday rental flats in the building was put into action.

'This is a whole new venture for me,' says Deirdre of the revamp that resulted in what are now two of the most sought-after holiday lets in Ireland. 'It started during one of the breaks in Lockdown and it took about a year to complete, thanks to all the local master tradesmen.'

Based on their own experiences from living abroad, the family decided to create two themed apartments - the Berlin Wall Apartment and the Paris Rooftop Studio.

The rentals were placed on and the Airbnb websites and the visitors who came from all over the world, showed their appreciation with astounding votes of approval:


'I couldn’t believe it!' says Deirdre. 'The Berlin Wall apartment got 10 stars on and the Paris Rooftop Studio got a rating of 9.5… we also got a 5-star (top score) review on Airbnb.'

Both places offering Old European Charm, our guests can now embrace the understated chic of the Parisian Rooftop Studio or the unique blend of history and modern comfort in the Berlin Wall Apartment.


With the inside knowledge of having collectively spent decades living in these two cities, the results were truly authentic - a fact seemingly appreciated by everyone who’s stayed there, many of whom have not only left a strong vote but who have also left several glowing reviews.

Check out the listings here on both and AirBnB:

Paris Rooftop Studio at The Residence, Bantry -

Paris Rooftop Studio at The Residence Bantry - AirBnB

Berlin Wall Apartment at The Residence Bantry -

Berlin Wall Apartment at The Residence Bantry - AirBnB

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