A SERIES of free education sessions for people with diabetes is planned for Bandon and Clonakilty this month.
A SERIES of free education sessions for people with diabetes is planned for Bandon and Clonakilty this month.
The award winning X-PERT programme is being organised by HSE community dietitians Bernie Dennehy and Melissa Byrne, in conjunction with local general practitioners. The aim of the programme is to educate people affected by diabetes so that they can best manage their condition, improve their health and increase their control over their diabetes.
The programme consists of a two and a half hour education session each week, for six weeks, during which participants learn all about what diabetes actually is, what treatments are available, and how diabetes is affected by weight, diet and exercise. There are lots of practical tips and participants learn from each other. Melissa Byrne, HSE South community dietitian in West Cork, said: ‘Attending the XPERT programme is proven to help participants increase their knowledge, skills and confidence in managing their diabetes, in an enjoyable group setting. This results in better health outcomes for people with diabetes. The XPERT programme really helps people.’
The next X-PERT programme is scheduled to commence on Tuesday, January 27th, in Clonakilty. If you would like to register for this programme, contact Melissa Byrne on 087-9696267.
The X-PERT programme will also be held in Bandon on Monday, February 2nd. Contact Bernie Dennehy on 086-7871590 to register for this programme.
Further X-PERT programmes will be held in other towns in West Cork later in the year.