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Work starts on Schull's €0.5m pontoon

July 10th, 2018 10:10 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Work starts on Schull's €0.5m pontoon Image
Contractors lifting a section of the new pontoon into the water in Schull Harbour. The whole project will take about four weeks to complete and will include the installation of a fixed access bridge and a gangway. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

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Work is underway on installing Schull's new €500,000 pontoon.



WORK is underway on installing Schull’s new €500,000 pontoon.

Fabricated and provided by Inland & Coastal Marina Systems, it arrived on seven trucks on Monday night, along with all of the equipment needed for the installation process, which is being carried out by the building, civil and marine engineering contractor, L&M Keating Ltd.

The installation will – over the four weeks – involve the driving of six piles into the foreshore; as well as some civil works to facilitate access to the pontoon, including a fixed access bridge and gangway. 

The pontoon is 20m long and is designed for short-term berthing for marine leisure users. The overall cost – between the supply project and the installation – is believed to be in the region of €500,000.

The project has been spearheaded and developed by Cork County Council, including the area engineer, Sarah Sinnott, who made the initial application for funding from the Town and Village Renewal Scheme. The installation part of the project only recently got the go-ahead after the Department of Agriculture and Marine provided €112,000 as part-funding for the overall scheme.

At Monday’s meeting of the West Cork Municipal District, Sarah Sinnott said: ‘They will arrive on the pier this evening and work will commence in the morning.’  

In one fell swoop, whatever disappointment there had been about a delay with the project was swept aside.

‘If they had come in May they’d be working in less than ideal weather conditions,’ said Cllr Mary Hegarty (FG). ‘This way they will have brilliant sunshine and people can see the work take shape.’

The councillor said the pontoon will be ‘an important part of the infrastructure in Schull’ and Cllr Danny Collins (Ind) was clearly happy when he said: ‘This is a great day for Schull.’

He also wished the Schull Harbour Development Committee ‘the best of luck’ in their overall plan to develop a multi-million-euro marina in the harbour area saying: ‘This is a very good start.’

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