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Tell me about . . . Marking International Women’s Day 2022

March 8th, 2022 6:30 AM

By Southern Star Team

Tell me about . . . Marking International Women’s Day 2022 Image
Marie Wiseman

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International Women’s Day (IWD) is today and president of Network West Cork Marie Wiseman will mark it with a dip in Dunmanus Bay

What do you think of the whole concept of IWD?

In an ideal world it wouldn’t be needed but we’re still a long way from true gender parity. As such IWD is hugely important, not just in terms of providing an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the achievements of women around the world, but also in reminding us of the journey ahead and helping accelerate some of the actions needed to bring about equality.

Do you mark the day?

I certainly do! I’m delighted to be attending a virtual event at the Ludgate Hub in Skibbereen, which promises to be a fascinating discussion about how we can break the bias that holds us back in terms of bringing about equality. Outside of work, I’ll also be celebrating with a swim in Dunmanus Bay with my fellow sea dippers (almost all are women) and a walk or run with a few of my female friends.

Who is your ultimate female role model?

Jacinda Ardern is hard to beat. The youngest ever prime minister of New Zealand, as well as handling Covid, she’s had an earthquake and a terrorist attack to deal with. Yet she’s dealt with all of these brilliantly, whilst also balancing childcare and family life. She isn’t afraid to take counsel from others and once armed with knowledge, she takes action swiftly and decisively, with the result that New Zealand has one of the fewest death rates of Coronavirus in the world. Moreover, she doesn’t shy away from her female strengths such as empathy and warmth, but instead uses these to build a connection and trust with her country

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