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Special event to highlight violence against women in Cork tomorrow

February 12th, 2015 5:09 PM

By Southern Star Team

Special event to highlight violence against women in Cork tomorrow Image

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One Billion Rising wants you to celebrate the global revolution to end violence against women and girls this Valentine's Day, Saturday, February 14, from 7pm-11pm at St Aloysius' in Cork.

ONE Billion Rising wants you to celebrate the global revolution to end violence against women and girls this Valentine's Day, Saturday, February 14, from 7pm-11pm at St Aloysius School, Sharman Crawford St in Cork City.

One Billion Rising wants you to help highlight, create and envision new, brave and radical artistic initiatives to bring in the new revolutionary world of equality, dignity and freedom for all women and girls.

One Billion Rising needs you because in 2013, 1474 people contacted Mna Feasa to receive support for domestic violence in Cork. This represents 6 requests for help per day; while the global statistic for abuse against women is that one woman in five will experience abuse in a relationship, and she will not seek help until this happens on at least 30 occasions.

Join the One Billion Rising in Cork an watch the V-Day documentary 'Until the Violence Stops' (7pm sharp) followed by dancing, art workshops, tasty refreshments and screenings of Eve Ensler's 'The Vagina Monologues' in solidarity with Rising all over the world on V-Day.

A €5 donation is suggested and all proceeds will go to domestic violence resource centres Mna Feasa and OSS, as well as The Sexual Violence Centre Cork.

For more information or to volunteer at the One Billion Rising Revolution in Cork, email [email protected] or find us on Facebook at One Billion Rising-Revolution Cork.

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