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Proof is in the (Clonakilty) pudding that veganism is a growing option

September 20th, 2019 5:50 PM

By Emma Connolly

Proof is in the (Clonakilty) pudding that veganism is a growing option Image
Clonakilty's puddings now have a vegan option.

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A sizzling new vegan pudding by has just hit shelves - and pans - around the country

A SIZZLING new vegan pudding by has just hit shelves - and pans - around the country.   

Made by Clonakilty Food Company, it does contain some of the legendary secret spice mix that has won their black and white puddings worldwide fame, but it has a completely different taste and texture. 

Boss Colette Twomey explained how her son Ed came up with the idea originally, in response to what their customers wanted. 

‘We were aware that vegetarianism was becoming very popular. What was a fad at one stage is now very much a trend, with people embracing meat-free Mondays and flexitarian diets,’ she said. 

The veggie pudding is made from oats, onions, black beans, carrots and a spice mix.

‘The texture is very different to our other puddings, it’s very distinctive and more oaty. We never set out to copy our other products,’ said Colette, who last year bought Lisselan Estate near Clonakilty for a rumoured €3m.

The veggie pudding was developed in their €7m HQ in Clonakilty where Colette said they have the facilities and in-house expertise.  

Other new products in the pipeline include pies and sausage rolls and the much-anticipated visitor centre at their HQ is set to open in 2020. In a recent interview, Colette referenced Brexit and said that she was more concerned with a potential hard border than sales to the UK, which accounts for 10% of her business. 

She said their puddings and rashers can sit in a refrigerated truck for a day or two, but that their sausages couldn’t. 

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