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Plastics factory gets go-ahead in Skibbereen

December 3rd, 2018 11:03 AM

By Siobhan Cronin

Plastics factory gets go-ahead in Skibbereen Image

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AN Bord Pleanala has published its decision on the proposed plastics factory for Skibbereen.

AN Bord Pleanala has published its decision on the proposed plastics factory for Skibbereen.

The Bord has granted permission for the factory to go ahead. An appeal had been lodged against Cork County Council’s decision to grant permission to the plant at Poundlick in the town by concerned locals.

Local action group Save our Skibbereen posted a message on its Facebook page in July saying if the Bord was to rule in favour of the factory SOS would be taking legal advice on the best way to challenge and overturn the decision.

A spokesperson for An Bord Pleanala confirmed to The Southern Star today (Monday) that the decision had been made to grant the planning permission, with conditions attached.

A number of high profile people are supporting the Save Our Skibbereen campaign, including film producer David Puttnam.

The factory is to be developed by RTP, a global player in the plastics industry. For full story, see this week’s Southern Star, out Thursday.

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