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New decking to boost ‘al fresco’ dining in Bantry

December 29th, 2020 11:40 AM

By Jackie Keogh

New decking to boost ‘al fresco’ dining in Bantry Image
All decked out: Bantry.

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BANTRY has boosted its outdoor dining capacity with a new waterfront development.

Stylish new decking has been provided courtesy of Cork County Council’s ACT – Activating County Towns – so that more people can dine al fresco.

The ACT programme is a series of measures by the Council, designed to give confidence to the business, retail, and community sectors.

Cllr Danny Collins (Ind), who has a ‘wet’ bar in another part of town, said he had been pushing for such initiatives.

‘The decking goes from outside The Brick to the Quay’s Bar and also takes in The Snug, all of which are popular local establishments,’ Cllr Collins told The Southern Star.

‘These three eateries had seating outdoors for a number of years, but this is a major upgrade because the decking makes it more attractive for diners.’ Cllr Collins said the development adds to the overall appeal of Bantry as you drive along the harbour wall towards the plaza at Wolfe Tone Square.

A similar development is being carried out in Durrus.

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