Southern Star January 31 2015
THE HSE’s West Cork Primary Care Team, supported by O’Donovan Rossa GAA, is hosting a free information evening on Men’s Health on Thursday February 5, at 7pm in the GAA clubhouse in Skibbereen.
The informal evening, which is open to all men over 18 years of age, will see a range of health professionals including public health nurses and other specialist nurses, a dietician and physiotherapist and the West Cork Men’s carers support group provide practical information and advice on a range of men’s health issues including prostate health and cancer awareness; diabetes prevention; diabetic foot screening; heart health; bowel health; back pain and acute injuries; healthy diet and lifestyles, and mental health wellbeing
PJ Cooke, Public Health Nurse said: ‘We hope that by hosting this information night in the informal setting of the GAA club that men of all ages will attend and get some good advice and information from the range of nurses and therapists here on the night.’
For further information about the event, please contact the Public Health Nursing Service at 023-8851814.