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Local crime stats see domestic abuse reports rise by 4% in West Cork area

February 9th, 2023 7:30 PM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Local crime stats see domestic abuse reports rise by 4% in West Cork area Image
Theft from shops saw a marked increase.

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DOMESTIC abuse reports were up across all three Cork garda divisions last year, with Cork West recording a 4% increase in 2022 compared to figured 2021. 

That’s according to the latest garda figures which were outlined at a recent Cork County Joint Policing Committee (JPC) meeting.

Both Cork North and Cork city were up 13% and 18% respectively for 2022, compared to figures for 2021.

Chief Supt Tom Myers of the Cork City Division said gardaí spent a lot of time dealing with domestic abuse, particularly during Covid when people were at home more often and where drink may have been involved.

‘It’s disappointing in one way to see these figures are up, but also encouraging  to see that people are coming forward and reporting matters to gardaí and seeking protection or barring orders in the district courts. Our protective services units monitor these cases also,’ said Chief Supt Myers.

There was a decline in the number of reported rapes of a female or male in Cork West, which fell from 25 in 2021 to 12 in 2022, while sexual assault was also down – from 40 in 2021 to 37 in 2022. However, Cork North recorded an increase in rape reports from 19 in 2021 to 38 in 2022, while sexual assault reports were up, from 53 in 2021 to 56 in 2022.

‘A lot of these cases are historic cases and we have three protective services units in each of our garda divisions. It’s encouraging people to come forward and report incidents. Our staff at these units are highly trained and professional and they’re dedicated to dealing with sexual offences. It’s great to see people put their trust in them.’

Chief Supt Myers said a lot of the crime categories were up last year because Covid restrictions were still in place the previous year.

He said 37,000 incidents were recorded in the Cork West Division this year with an increase in both property crime and crime against the person recorded for last year, compared to 2021. Property crime was up from 356 to 444, while crimes against the person were also up, from 348 to 414. There was also a marked increase in theft from shops for 2022 compared to 2021 with the figure rising from 94 to 144, while theft from other property also increased, from 115 to 148.

There was a slight increase in burglary figures – from 62 to 68, while theft of vehicles was also up, from 12 to 20.

Chief Supt Myers said there was a marked downward trend of theft from vehicles, which decreased from 42 to 23, which he said had become a worrying trend along coastal areas of West Cork over the past number of years.

Minor assaults in the Cork West Division increased from 200 in 2021 to 262 in 2022, while assault causing harm remained the same for that period.

The figures also showed that both arson and criminal damage incidents were down, but there was an increase in drunkenness offences from 119 in 2021 to 122 last year, while public order offences were down from 171 to 168.

Both the Cork city and Cork West Divisions recorded a decline in the numbers of those caught driving while intoxicated, but Cork North recorded a significant increase. The figures for Cork West went down from 193 in 2021 to 181 in 2022, while Cork North  saw 330 incidents recorded in 2022, compared to 274 in 2021.

Drug offences showed a decline, with 174 incidents of the possession of drugs for personal use recorded in 2022, compared to 223 in 2021. 

Those caught with drugs for sale or supply were up from 69 reports in 2021, to 73 for last year.

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